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Sentinel Gates

Free-Standing, Movable, Sturdy, Driveway Gates

Standing Guard, Staying Safe

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We ABSOLUTELY LOVE our gate and it is holding up beautifully, despite a lot of rain and wind over the past two years. It was so beautifully made and designed and I cannot tell you how many people have stopped to ask us about it. The gate was a game changer for me and my husband in providing us a sense of peace and protection for our three kids. 


Love our new gate! Perfect addition to our very long 300 ft driveway which leads to a very busy street! Its a great visual deterant for my 3 year old and blocks delivery trucks from coming into his play area. Its a wonderful compliment to adult supervision! Best thing - it’s portable so I can move it all over! Our driveway is about 10 FT wide so we went with the biggest one!
